
Most of us spend lots of energy catering to others: parents, spouses, children, bosses. So when holiday party planning time comes around, give yourself a well-deserved gift and hire an island caterer.

The deli department at Bailey's will deliver, set up, and serve catered foods, such as meat and cheese trays, vegetable platters, or a wide variety of hot items, according to employee Sandy Klein. Customers include islanders hosting parties in their homes, Lions Club, and Sanibel-Captiva Power Squadron get-togethers at the Sanibel Community Association, as well as SCA's own events. Periwinkle Way and Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel, 941/472-1516.

Weddings, family reunions, City of Sanibel meetings, and private parties in homes or on boats are just some of the functions catered by Barney's Incredible Edibles. Groups ranging from just a few people to as many as 100 are partial to hot stuffed croissants, quiche, or seafood salads from owner Anna Armiger's bakery and deli. She says her establishment is versatile and will cater dinners, hot or cold hors d'oeuvres, cocktail parties, and brunches, with items from the menu or special requests. 2330 Palm Ridge Road, Sanibel, 941/472-2555.

Debbi Reid, the energetic public relations/banquet coordinator for Bellini's, says if you're having a dinner party or wedding at home, the restaurant does off-site catering. "Or we cater here by closing part or all of the restaurant. And we have an additional private room." Using its newly renovated indoor and outdoor facilities, Bellini's can accommodate as many as 200 guests. Popular party fare includes a large selection of appetizers, "super salad," veal, pasta, or chicken. You can customize the menu, Reid adds. 11521 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva, 941/472-6866.

"Catering is a really fun thing to do," says Tom Olson, the new owner of Bullfeathers, which is "the place" for chicken and ribs. "We've done a lot of weddings," he says. Deli specialties or sandwiches are often ordered, and Bullfeathers can accommodate custom requests. 2407 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 941/395-1133.

The Captiva Garden Grille, formerly Royal Windsor Restaurant of Captiva, recently introduced its new menu, which features "an international and healthy flair," according to the restaurant's manager, Bobby Dougherty. Pop in or give him a ring, and hot or cold catered dishes, chosen from the menu, can be delivered to homes or function halls. 11508 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva, 941/472-7221.

Becky Barry, restaurant manager at The Dunes Golf & Tennis Club, which features American cuisine, offers both on- and off-site catering services, and a banquet packet. "We're semi-private, so most of our catering is for our 400 members. But we do public functions also," she explains. 949 Sandcastle Road, Sanibel, 941/472-3355.

In the mood for regional Florida cuisine such as black bean hummus, shrimp and lobster wonton, almond-fried shrimp, or barbecued ribs? Then have Gilligan's cater your next party. Assistant manager Lisa Harris says the restaurant keeps especially busy catering during the holiday season. Locations include private homes on the islands, or various functions at the Sanibel Community Association, with as many as 250 to 400 guests. 2163 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 941/472-0606.

It comes as no surprise that Gramma Dot's Seaside Saloon, located at Sanibel Marina, often caters private parties taking place on boats. The restaurant caters events of many sizes all year long, and in homes, too, explains marina manager Stephanie Peterson. She says that catered customers' choice for meals is usually seafood. 634 North Yachtsman Drive, Sanibel, 941/472-8138.

"Dine with the locals" is its slogan, but the Hungry Heron's off-site catering customers include private parties at homes, or Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum, J.N. "Ding" Darling Wildlife Society, and BIG Arts functions. Steak, seafood, and homemade pasta are just a few of the offerings from the restaurant's 250-item menu. Most food selections for catered events come from the menu, according to owner Scott Iannelli, but "we'll do anything people want." In-house, the restaurant accommodates tour buses or travel agent groups in parties of up to 50 people. 2330 Palm Ridge Road, Sanibel, 472-395-2300.

During Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, "catered turkey packages" from Jerry's of Sanibel are quite popular, explains general manager Brian Benham. The supermarket's employees do not set up or serve at catered affairs, but they will deliver orders. Many party planners request trays featuring vegetables, fruit, or deli selections, hoagie sandwiches, or "whatever a customer wants." 1700 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 941/472-9300.

Johnny's Pizza delivers its namesake anywhere on the islands, to any size group at any time of year. Choices on the menu range from Chicago-style, specialty, or gourmet pizzas that change weekly. The carry-out restaurant also fields orders for platters of vegetables, big trays of lasagna, and lots of other dinner items, according to manager Roy Caviness. 2496 Palm Ridge Road, Sanibel, 941/472-3010.

Customers who book Sanibel-based La Vigna Italian Restaurant and Grill's catering services get a bonus: It's affiliated with Pasta & Pizza and Mama Pasta restaurants in Ft. Myers, thus offering choices from three menus. It can accommodate any size gathering. 1625 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 941/472-5453.

Home or condominium dwellers, and boaters, host events ranging from cookouts or hog roasts to lavish dinner parties by booking Old Captiva House caterers. Located at Tween Waters Inn, the restaurant also offers on-site catering in banquet facilities. In fact, as dining room manager Dan Kinsley mentions, customers often first learn about what the restaurant has to offer while attending a memorable wedding at the gulfside/bayside resort. 15951 Captiva Road, Captiva, 941/472-5161.

A Mardi Gras brunch, St. Patrick's Day party, and family reunion cookout/barbecue are just some of the off-site events catered by Portofino Restaurant, which is located at the Sanibel Inn. Business meetings, banquets, and weddings are often held on the property. "Menu requests are not only for our Italian or seafood items, but range widely," explains general manager Val Haverly. "We've catered $5.95 cookouts and also $100-a-head brunches." 937 East Gulf Drive, Sanibel, 941/472-0494.

All of the chefs at R.C. Otters are hold-overs from the location's former restaurant, Captiva Art Caf�, according to owner Rob DeGennaro. "Thus, we do lots of catering at private homes, with menus from casual to gourmet, and also customized." He adds that party-givers often request shrimp, lobster, or smoked fish platters. 11506 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva, 941/395-1142.

The Terrace co-owner Wil Rivait says his Captiva-based restaurant "caters anyplace within Lee County, and we'll serve whatever a customer requests." Chef Tom Langan, formerly of the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, is known for his "shrimply delicious specials, and fine-quality hors d'oeuvres." He cooks for any size catering event, ranging from radio station 96K-rock's birthday bash to cocktail parties. In addition, the restaurant can be rented for private parties. 11509 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva, 941/395-1677.

An entire floor of banquet space at Sanibel Harbour Resort & Spa is used for in-house catered functions, featuring hundreds of menu options, including themed menus, and accommodating up to 2,000 people. The resort also does off-premise special events, explains Jan Rhonehouse, catering sales manager. "A recent big hit, in fact, was catering for a conference group that went by boat to Picnic Island, one of the finger islands right here off Punta Rassa." 17260 Harbour Pointe Drive, Ft. Myers, 941/466-2134.

"The islands are a place where people come down and just want to throw a party; they don't want to cook or shop. And I just like to cook," explains John Durand, who bought A Catered Affair last year. The restaurant-business veteran tailors menus to whatever customers want, "be it a five-course, sit-down meal to a pot of chili for a Saturday football game, for two people to 125." Some of his popular requests are smoked chicken salad on Belgian endive, stuffed mushroom caps, herb-seared tenderloin, and poached salmon with sliced cucumbers that look like fish scales. P.O. Box 1662, Sanibel, 941/466-1225.

A number of island restaurants do not offer off-site catering on a regular basis, but do accommodate private parties within the restaurant-Beachview Inn, Riviera, and Tarwinkles, to name a few. This frees the host from not only the cooking chores, but also the clean-up after the party's over. -LG